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英国科学院院士、牛津大学心理系系主任Glyn W. Humphreys来我系做报告


英国科学院院士、牛津大学心理系系主任Glyn W. Humphreys来我系做报告

7月18日下午两点,GlynW. Humphreys(牛津实验心理学系系主任、英国科学院院士)在清华伟清楼心理学系作学术报告,来自心理学系、医学院、以及北京大学等其他单位的师生参加了报告会。


Humans are biased in their responses to information related to themselves compared with information related to other people. At what level of processing do these self-bias effects arise? Do they trait-like stability? Through what brain mechanisms do the effects of self-bias arise? We will present neuropsychological, behavioural and neuroimaging studies that seek to answer these questions. First, we will summarise results on a neuropsychological analysis of self-biases in face perception, demonstrating that both hyper- (increased) and hypo- (decreased) biases can occur depending upon the underlying brain lesion. Subsequently, we present work with normal participants based on a novel associative learning paradigm in which we show that self-biases modulate perception and have a trait-like stability within individuals. In addition, the biases are based on the neural coupling of regions concerned with self representation and social attention. Finally, we will present work which suggests that self-association changes the perceptual saliency of stimuli, with the effects of social saliency in the brain overlapping those found with changes in perceptual saliency. We discuss the implicationsfor understanding both the self and self-biases in perception.






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