主题:Analogical Explanation & Predictive Mind
内容:Why do we prefer analogies for explanation? Compared to straightforward causal explanations, adults show a preference for analogical explanations, and children have a better discernment ability for analogical explanations than non-analogical explanations. The hypothesis I introduce here is that analogical explanations can better assist us in making predictions. Due to the structural mapping and comparison within analogies, they help us to utilize existed knowledge and induction to make further predictive explanations.
主题:What Makes a Good Explanation for People of Different Culture?
报告人:Hina Gul
内容:What makes a good explanation? Prior research shows that mechanistic and analogical explanations are good explanations for adults and children. We want to see parents perception on this.
主题: Learning from Social Play: Playing with Peers Versus Mixed Age
内容: Educators parents are increasingly interested in the potential of learning through play, particularly in social settings, seeing it as a way to enrich children's educational experiences beyond traditional methods. However, despite this enthusiasm, there's a noticeable lack of solid evidence proving that play truly offers tangible learning benefits. To address this, we have developed a generalization task to truly test social play in peer and mixed age settings. We set hidden rules as the learning objective in a block game and had one group of same-age children play this game, while another group of mixed-age children also played the same block game. The results showed that, in mixed-age situations, the older children demonstrated better learning abilities.