童松,日本京都大学博士,清华大学社科学院心理系“水木学者”、助理研究员/博士后,合作导师彭凯平教授。曾师从于日本认知心理学会会长熊田孝恒(Takatsune Kumada)教授,以及知名人工智能研究者梁雪峰、杨勇教授。研究领域为心理信息学、计算认知文化心理学、生态心理学、计算机视觉、图像处理。Google 被引350余次。
Tong, S. (2021). Informatics Approaches for Understanding Human Facial Attractiveness Perception and Visual Attention. Kyoto University. (博士论文)
Tong, S., Duan J., Liang, X., Kumada T., Peng, K. , Nakashima, T., (2023, June) “Inferring Affective Experience from the Big Picture Metaphor: A Two-dimensional Visual Breadth Model”, In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, (CCF推荐会议).
Tong, S., Liang, X., Kumada, T., Zhang, P., Peng, K., (2022, December) “Detecting the Attention Scopes from Travel Photos”, In IEEE Intl. Conf. Information Technology and Biomedical Engineering (pp. 213-217). (Best Paper Award)
Tong, S., Loh, Y., Liang, X., & Kumada, T. (2019). Wide or narrow? A visual attention-inspired model for view-type classification. IEEE Access, 7, 48725-48738. (SCI/SSCI)
Tong, S., Loh, Y., Liang, X., & Kumada, T. (2016, September). Visual attention inspired distant view and close-up view classification. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) (pp. 2787-2791). IEEE. (CCF推荐会议)
Loh, Y., Tong, S., Liang, X., Kumada, T., & Seng Chan, C. (2017). Understanding scenery quality: A visual attention measure and its computational model. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (pp. 289-297). (CCF推荐会议)
Liang, X., Tong, S., Kumada, T., & Loh, Y. P. (2019, July). Understanding the Photo-shooting Patterns of Sightseeing. In Proceedings of the 2019 2nd International Conference on Data Science and Information Technology (pp. 36-41). (导师一作)
Liu, Y., Liang, X., Tong, S., & Kumada, T. (2019, September). Photo shot-type disambiguation by multi-classifier semi-supervised learning. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) (pp. 2466-2470). IEEE. (CCF推荐会议)
Liang, X., Fan, L., Loh, Y. P., Liu, Y., & Tong, S. (2017). Happy travelers take big pictures: A psychological study with machine learning and big data. arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.07584. (Google Travel and Conference Scholarship)
Tong, S., Liang, X., Kumada, T., & Iwaki, S. (2021). Putative ratios of facial attractiveness in a deep neural network. Vision Research, 178, 86-99. (SCI/SSCI)
Tong, S., Liang, X., Kumada, T., Iwaki, S., & Tosa, N. (2017, September). Learning the cultural consistent facial aesthetics by convolutional neural network. In 2017 International Conference on Culture and Computing (Culture and Computing) (pp. 97-103). IEEE. (Best Honorable Mention Award)
Liang, X., Tong, S., Kumada, T., & Iwaki, S. (2019, September). Golden ratio: The attributes of facial attractiveness learned by CNN. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) (pp. 2124-2128). IEEE. (CCF推荐会议, 导师一作)
Yang, Y., Tong, S., Huang, S., & Lin, P. (2014). Multifocus image fusion based on NSCT and focused area detection. IEEE Sensors Journal, 15(5), 2824-2838. (SCI,导师一作,ESI高被引论文)
Yang, Y., Tong, S., Huang, S., & Lin, P. (2014). Dual-tree complex wavelet transform and image block residual-based multi-focus image fusion in visual sensor networks. Sensors, 14(12), 22408-22430. (SCI, 导师一作)
Yang, Y., Tong, S., Huang, S., & Lin, P. (2014). Log-Gabor energy based multimodal medical image fusion in NSCT domain. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2014. (SCI, 导师一作)
Yang, Y., Tong, S., Huang, S., Lin, P., & Fang, Y. (2017). A hybrid method for multi-focus image fusion based on fast discrete curvelet transform. IEEE Access, 5, 14898-14913. (SCI, 导师一作)
杨勇, 童松, 黄淑英. (2015). 快速离散 Curvelet 变换域的图像融合. 中国图象图形学报, 20(2), 219-228. (CCF推荐期刊, 导师一作)
杨勇, 童松, 黄淑英, 方志军, 杨寿渊. (2014). 一种 NSCT 域多聚焦图像融合新方法. 图学学报, 35(6), 854-863. (CCF推荐期刊, 导师一作)
Lee, H, Zhou, W., Bai H.H., Meng W., Zeng, T., Peng, K., Tong, S., Kumada, T., (2022, November). Natural Language Processing Algorithms for Divergent Thinking Assessment, IEEE 6th Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation. (创造性思维计算, 通讯作者)
Zhou, X, Tong, S., Liu, R., Wang, F., Peng, K., The Impact of “Emotion Grammar” on the Veracity of News Headlines: Evidence from Machine Learning, In IEEE Intl. Conf. Information Technology and Biomedical Engineering (pp. 449-453). (情绪传播)
2022年-2024年, 博士后国际交流计划引进项目:网络大数据和人工智能背景下注意广度的情绪与文化机制探究(YJ20210266),人力资源社会保障部。(主持)
2021年-2024年,美育的迁移效应:芭蕾舞情绪表达分析及教育意义的探索,清华大学全球产业研究院自选课题,2021-2023. (主要承担者)
2015年-2018年,Consolidated Dynamic Saliency Metric for Multiple Dynamics in Moving Camera View (15K00236),日本学术振兴会JSPS。(主要承担者)
2018年-2021年,Monitoring and Improving QOL of Elderly People Living Alone with Remote Social Interaction Support(Co-eating Project),日本科学技术振兴机构JST。 (参与)
2020年-2022年,春风基金滚动支持课题( 2020Z99CFG013)。(参与)
2015年-2018年,智能视频监控中图像超分辨率重建关键技术研究 (61462031),国家自然科学基金。(参与)
访问学者,预测编码理论及创造力行为研究,东京大学International Research Center for Neurointelligence (IRCN),日本东京,2023.1-2023.2。
Co-eating Workshop and Meeting(主要针对老人孤食问题),京都大学和台湾大学联合项目,日本京都,2019.10。
口头报告,Workshop on Interpretable & Reasonable Deep Learning and its Applications, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence(IJCAI2018),瑞典斯德哥尔摩,2018.7。
Workshop on Cooperative Intelligence,京都大学和日本本田研究所(HRI)联合研讨会,日本京都,2017.9。
口头/海报发表, “Evaluate the quality of a tour spot using shared SNS photos”,京都大学信息通信技术研讨会,日本京都,2017.2。
海报发表,京都大学和台湾大学“Social Cognitive Biology on Representation of Environment”联合研讨会,日本京都,2016.7。
海报发表,京都大学“Advanced Studies of Human Mind”青年研讨会,日本京都,2016.6.
博士预科,指导老师:梁雪峰,京都大学,日本京都,2015.4– 2015.9。
2017,IEEE国际文化与计算会议委员会, 优秀论文提名奖;
审稿人:Human Brain Mapping、IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering、IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing、IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics、IEEE Sensors Journal、Future Generation Computer Systems、Neural Computing and Application等。
合作指导学生:安子豪(2018级直博)、李韩美(2021级)、段景怡(2022级 直博)、石弘毅(2022级博士)、李钰琪(2022级 国际应用心理硕士)、王扬(2022级 国际应用心理硕士)。李韩美,段景怡获得2022年清华大学“未来社计师”奖学金。
国际合作团队:京都大学:Takatsune Kumada (日本认知心理学会会长), Nakao Tosa(文化计算的提出者), Ryoichi Nakashima;东京大学:Zenas Chao, Vince Wu; 爱丁堡大学:Longfei Chen等。
邮箱:ts1991(AT)tsinghua.edu.cn; tong.song.53w(AT).kyoto-u.ac.jp